Sunday, December 13, 2009

A message to my soulmate.

About Me:

How to read or study my message?-In this way : In reading it,never go past a word you do not fully understand !!! ...

If something in it becomes confusing, or you can't seem to grasp it, there will be a word just earlier that you have not understood. Don't go any further, but go back to BEFORE you got into trouble, find the misunderstood word and get it defined in good dictionary !Make sure you understand it well,before reading futher!


What i intend to tell YOU about myself? - Truth! True facts about the content of my inner and outer worlds: what makes me,deeply, happy; what brings great joy to my heart, what i admire and love, what are the sources of my inspiration...What are my goals,desires,needs and highest ideals .(And, in the same way, i will be glad to get to know the full truth about YOU!

Pleasure, happiness and survival go together! For me ,they represent condition of true friendship and intimacy with somebody, peace of mind, love, good physical and mental health, understanding the laws of life, love, agreement and communication on the highest,possible,levels...

It is winning in life and helping others to do the same; being productive, flourishing and prospering... It is music; communication of deep ideas and feelings, being true to my highest goals, ideals and most cherished dreams, honesty and sincerity with myself and others, using my mind and all my talents maximally, treating others with dignity ,respect,understanding and love......

Contributing to others something valuable for them that adds to their well being, joy, health,understanding , success and better survival in life..It is when others are honest and sincere with me; treat me with respect,are friendly and grant me beingness (and vice- versa)......

It is when my body,mind and senses are functioning at their optimum level...It is living my life in my own unique way in which i am true to my own observations,deep feelings,wisdom,abilities to think,judge,decide, and to my highest ideals , constantly increasing my knowledge ,wisdom and understanding of life; it is when i make pro-survival decisions and carry them into action......

I love positive create-create-create people who are very high on emotional tone scale, very productive,efficient, have good manners, very honest, grant beingness to others, responsible and intelligent......

My needed and wanted in life is UNDERSTANDING! Deep understanding of myself, others and the laws of life itself... ...

TRUTH and wisdom are my very needed and wanted...(Good)Health is my needed and wanted,both, physical and mental......

Joy , pleasure and happiness are my very needed and wanted.Not, only,to experience,but to be able to bring it into the lives of others! ...

I enjoy good music , beauty, intimacy, understanding and spiritual closeness with somebody , heart-2-heart conversations, exercising my mental,spiritual and other creative abilities to the full , being productive, good classical ballet, great art and paintings, flowers, reading good books, philosophical questions and conversations, to help and serve others in the spirit of love, to be honest and sincere with others(and them,being honest and fully sincere with me!), being my best , to live life and to approach anything in it in my own creative and unique way. ...

Contact with nature, closeness with the suitable member of the opposite sex, to live my life in such a way in which i am ,always, true to my highest principles ,beliefs, goals and ideals! ...

Communicate with others on the highest levels of honesty, sincerity and trust, do my work well, come to better understanding and insights about myself, others and life,to grant beingness to others, treat others with respect and love ( and when others treat me with respect and love)......

What is LOVE?...- For me, LOVE is deep joy and happiness i feel when i am with YOU, and near you; when i perceive YOU through all my senses, and through my mind, emotions and feelings! ...

And by YOU i don't mean, only your physical part - your body! I mean the YOU that inhabits this body and who YOU, really,and essentially are: unique spiritual being, with your unique inner world, feelings and character ; beliefs , likes and dislikes, talents, abilites, thoughts,ideas, emotions, imagination, knowledge, opinions, dreams, goals, plans; abilities to perceive, remember, think, judge, understand , create, decide; sense of humour, intelligence ......

When i am with YOU (and YOU are with me!) , the world is brighter, life is fun , cheerful and wonderful place to be, do, play, explore, enjoy and conquer, and is full of beauty, magic , charm, fascination, joy and romance. ......

It looks like a game, wonderful , enjoyable and fun game! .........

You make me a child again!...With YOU i become the best ME!.....

Love brings about in ME the romantic, the poet, the philosopher, an artist...!...

My name is Michael, and i am ...a philosopher... I have joked!...Sorry!...I am Michael ,and i am delighted about YOUR decision to get to know ME ( i hope!)... ...

I don't, especially, love to watch televison ( especially,with the content of the programms presented at our "modern" times, which is very far from anything, really, spiritual,or that which ,really, feeds the soul))...

I am very selective about what i watch on television,and prefer to watch things which enrich me mentally,emotionally or spiritually, or, at least, bring me joy and deep pleasure....

And i don't love to communicate with people through the Internet ( a very "fashionable" thing to do in our times!) !I prefer to it "old fashioned" live communication with the real people !...

Live communication with others is important to me ,but i prefer such kind of it which consist of mutual sincerity, openess, high affinity, many agreements , respect, trust, honesty, good communication skills, willingness of both sides to communicate, joy and good duplication and understanding ....

I love wide spaces of nature:parks ,gardens,forests ......

People that i enjoy are people who have good manners ,have an attitude of friendliness,openess and respect for others , are highly ethical , honest, responsible ,sincere, fair, just, competent, keep,always, their word, can be dependent upon......

People who exhibit such qualities and attitudes , toward others and life, as admiration, fascination, enthusiasm,serenity, interest,inspiration, encouragement, an excellent sense of humour, cheerfulness ,hope,trust, love and respect... ...

I appreciate good sense of humour(and have one) ; tact ; talent , ability and individuality ; honesty , sincerity,kindness , friendliness, genuine desire to help and be useful ,spirit of play......

I love everything that expands the mind and make me more aware and alive , be it music , books, movies , art , people , communication , learning,conversation,thinking,special body or mental exercises etc. ......

I am unconventional, romantic, creative, very musical, open-minded , ethical , tactful, honest, sincere ,can be trusted upon ......

Life experience have teached me, that in spite of the fact that i am attracted to the tall, long-haired, good looking young women, there are, in life, things which are much more important than the external beauty! .....

I think, you understand what i mean! I mean the quality of your inner world : of your beliefs, principles , ideals, opinions , attitudes and feelings about life, people, religion, sex, children, family etc. Your character, ethical standards and ideals , wisdom and rationality, integrity and responsibility level . .....

I enjoy to discover the inner worlds of people,in general, and, especially, the people who , like me, are interested to find the true answers about life - who they, really, are ,what this life is all about, from where they came , and what they, really, need and want from it !...

I love to engage in communication of deep ideas and feelings, to philosophize, to help people in effective way ...!Most of all, I like being real and authentic and to be with people who are doing the same... ...

The things that i consider important in life are effective communication, love, trust, intimacy, truth, honesty, beauty, true friendship, spiritual closeness, understanding, joy, happiness, creativity, sincerity, physical and mental health, integrity, wisdom, understanding......

I have interest in science, human memory and human mind, humanities......

It is very important for me to find my true soulmate, but FRIENDSHIPs , especially, the true one, and developing them with others, are very valuable for me! ...

So, i don't concentrate,only, on finding here my true soulmate. Finding and having true friend is a real treasure in this life, and i understand it very well!(hope, you,too!).....

And one of my abilities in life ,i am proud about, is my ability to be a true friend( as my other abilities to be good father and husband!)...

So, from this point of view it doesn't matter for me if you're 20, 60 or 1000 years old! ...

In my opinion, true friendship is relathionship of mutual trust, understanding, open and sincere communication, full honesty,love, support, spiritual closeness ......

The most important "parts" of my relationship with true friend are mutual honesty, sincerity,trust, responsibility, liking , support and help ......

About beauty:... I love beauty and it is important to me ,but..your inner beauty, integrity and character are of much higher order of importance ......

As it relates to my "soulmate" , I would like to meet a woman who will want to become very close to me , in all the meanings of the word! To whom what is important are not external apperances, but what she finds very deep inside my inner world! ...

I want such a relationship with her , in which main thing in it is not ME,but WE!...

Woman whose main goals,ideals and purposes in life are very close to mine! Who loves many kinds of music i love.Who looks with me on life and what is most important in it, in the same direction!...

Woman who wants physical and spiritual closeness and intimacy and relationships based on mutual love, truth, sharing of deep ideas and feelings, understanding, full honesty, sincerity and trust! ...I love challenges! A challenge of having a life partner with whom i'll share high-tone spirit of play in this amazing adventure that is called "life ", in the direction of moving ,together, toward our dreams and higher states of awareness,health,energy,understanding,perception,reality,communication,aliveness,alertness,rationality,happiness,joy,love,truth and trust ! A challenge of completely open, honest and sincere communication! A challenge of learning , better understanding of myself,others and the laws of life !A challenge of setting my own example of the principles and ideals i believe in ! A challenge of hard work in the direction of achieving worthwhile purposes! A challenge of learning from others and from my own mistakes! A challenge truth! A challenge of being true to myself, of deserving trust! A challenge of true friendship, self-respect and responsibility! A challenge of thinking,dreaming etc. not, only, in the terms of this life, but in the terms of the future generations!A challenge of not giving people labels and putting them into boxes ,but ,directly,observing them ;seeing THEM,and not my assumptions about them;,communicating with them without biases and prejudices,giving them an opportunity to show who they,really and uniquely are;communicating not in order to check if what they say agrees or disagrees with my beliefs,but ...really,listening to them until they ,fully,said all they wanted to say,and giving them opportunity to present before me "the full picture"!Listening to them for the purpose of,fully, understanding them, until they feel that i,truely,understood them... because UNDERSTANDING is one of the greatest gifts in this life that i can give to myself and others! ...When you UNDERSTAND somebody ,the part of it is understanding , clearly and correctly, what he communicates to you, what he, really, thinks ,feels ,wants, is doing,but ...the other part of this understanding is knowing the WHYs, the real reasons and motives that stand behind his thoughts ,intentions, feelings ,wants and actions So..., if you want, ask yourself about the real WHYs :what are all the real reasons and motives that stay behind the fact that you're on this site! ...My real reasons and motives of being here are clear enough : i want... most of the things that i describe here that i want! In one of the profiles of women i have read:"What I want in a man is for him to help me remember to ignore distractions that keep me from doing the only thing that really matters: going totally free spiritually." - Going totally free spiritually ,is one of the greatest challenges in this life! ,and i want life partner who will help me ,along this path of :GOING TOTALLY FREE SPIRITUALLY!(more exactly-we'll help each other on this path!) ...Not by her words,but by her deeds!...What is an intelligent behaviour?- It is the behaviour when you devote the most of your time to the things that are,truely,important! Important ,as from the viewpoint of this lifetime,so from the viewpoints of all future lifetimes!...And what can be more important in life ,than THE STATE OF TOTAL SPIRITUAL FREEDOM?!!! ...In my opinion, one of the main reasons of the present state of UNDERSTANDING between us is not sufficient communication ,the kind of communication that enables each one of us to get sufficient amount of true data about the contents of our inner worlds,and in this way, to become more REAL to each other! The more true data we'll have about each other , the more we'll be able to understand and ,really, help each other! ... For me, "effective communication" means more than, simply, to talk! It means communicating ideas,feelings, messages etc. in such a way that the other side duplicates them exactly as they are.It means establishing that correct duplication took place by CORRECT acknowledgements. It means willingness of both sides to communicate with and understand each other.It means that when i ask you a question , or you ask me,the questions get answered! It means that , when we communicate , our communication is based on truth ,trust, love, agreement, honesty, sincerity, courage, responsibility, willingness to help, reason, respect, interest, careful listening, consideration, good manners, granting of beingness,exact duplication and correct acknowledgements,... I use here ,many times, the term "grant beingness",so i want to give its correct definition! To grant beingness: to let someone else be what he is. Listening carefully to what someone has to say and taking care to understand them, being courteous, refraining from needless criticism, expressing admiration ,affinity or love, accepting them as they are, are examples of the actions of someone who can grant others beingness.

What makes me laugh hardest:
Comedies with Jerry Louis, Luis De Funes,Bill Murray...
I'm happiest when:
i listen to my favourite music.When i have a girlfriend with whom i am physically,and, most importantly, spiritually and emotionally close.When i am ,really,helpful to somebody.When my mother,father,sister etc. are well and happy ,and are enjoying life.When i communicate with somebody on the deep level of honesty,sincerity and intimacy. When somebody is fully honest and sincere with me.When i receive sincere compliments.When nice girl gives me a charming smile,or looks me straight into the eyes, or is holding hands with me,or,in other physical ways expresses her affection.(Physical touch,especially,from somebody i enjoy to be very close ,is very important to me!) When there is somebody with whom i can share what is going on inside my mind and be myself.When i am in alignment with(and progressing toward) my highest goals and purposes in life. When i see around me people who are healthy,cheerful and happy..When i use my mind to its full capacity. When i smell the odors of flowers . When i hear the singing of the birds who sing like in paradise. !When i am outside and iinhale fresh air after thunderstorm...When i read a good book, philosophize.When i watch old hollywood musicals .When i learn things which give me better understanding of life,people and myself.When i am creative.When i do well my job.When somebody understands me.When i remember moments of happiness in my life. When i use my sense of humour at the appropriate time.When i use my creative imagination.When life is cheerful. When i deal with people who are honest, don't conceal their true intentions from me, communicate with me in intelligent,friendly, constructive, creative ways; are open, helpful,fair,decent, sincere...When i am creating good and positive effects on others! Such effects that make them well and happy!...
The things that annoy me are:
Lies and deception.Sexually promiscious people.Sexual depravity,in general.People who don't keep their promises and agreements.People who try to force their opinions,convictions,beliefs,ideas, values and "products" on others. People who have lost such important qualities in life as shame ,honour, conscience and self-respect...Any form of abuse,cruelty,violence and disrespect and lack of consideration toward others. People who disrespect the law and the rights ,property,time,life,space and survival of others...The criminals of our society(people who violate law and order;use lies,threats,violence and other dishonest means against other people to take from them something valuable(their money,their health,sanity,lives) for something unvaluable ,or for nothing )...Insane and very corrupted "parts" of our world and society such as terrorists,wars...people who stand behind the development ,selling and buying of nuclear ,chemical,biological and other weapons of mass destruction...People who allow to themselves to break the rules!(of marriage,friendship,a company,or society)People who think more about their own profit ,than about the physical and mental health of others,and their well-being and happiness...Pollution of environment(the quality of air in our cities etc.)...People who spread viruses,and who undermine our security , and use internet ,generally,for spying important information such as passwords,your credit cards numbers etc. Other people who make our living in this world very uncomfortable and insecure: different perverts,murderers,insane,swindlers,bullies,thieves of minor and major caliber;drivers who violate the rules of safe driving on the road and endanger the lives of other drivers,and their own
The best day of my life was when:
My first day at school.Another- the day when I discovered Scientology.. About the future:the best day of my life will be when i'll meet YOU, my true soulmate , and when my dreams of becoming Clear and Operating Thetan will become reality!
If I could have dinner with any three people, they would be:
Me!...Not the present ME ,but the future ME! The ME of eternity years from now, from very distant future,extending quadrillion of quadrillions of lifetimes eternity!...And it will be very joyful to the present ME to meet the ME from eternity!(Honestly,i ,even,don't know if it will be very pleasant to ME from eternity to see the present Me,but...i hope,he( Oh!... Excuse me! - "ME!!!") will find the ways to overcome that disappointment!) ...YOU! ...L.Ron Hubbard! ...Why? - Read all of his writtings!Perhaps,after reading all of them,you'll understand why!
My interests, hobbies, and pastimes include...
History, Movies, Museums, Music (listening), Reading, Science, Travel, Writing
The physical activities I'm interested in are:
Dancing, Walking
For fun I like to...
Watch old Hollywood musicals from 1930 -1970; good Broadway performances and musicals.Listen to good quality perfomances of operas, classical music, romantic vocal, instrumental and gypsy jazz, swing, bossa nova.. .Listen,with pleasure, to the singers: Barbra Streisand, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Vic Damone, Robert Goulet, John Gary, Steve Lawrence, Eydie Gorme, Della Reese, Sarah Vaughan, Dakota Staton, Tony Bennett , Ernestine Anderson ,Margaret Whiting, Jerry Vale, Jack Jones, Rosemary Clooney, Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Mario Lanza, Johnny Mathis, Andy Williams, Julio Iglecias etc.... Communicate on the deep levels of honesty, sincerity, intimacy and trust; learn about life, people, the world; write,as i am writing now; think about the true causes of all things ,such as being in this life,having the experiences we have;happiness and sufferings etc.; explore by traveling into little known regions of the mind,feelings, our true Selves, universe and life; discover the laws of life, reality and truth; remember all the things that have,ever,made me,deeply, happy ;dream "impossible" dreams about the future and ,gradually,to make them true; dance ballroom and latin dances; help others; read good poetry, literature, science-fiction, books of philosopical, psychological and new-age nature; observe the world around me, people , nature, sea and anything, really, beautiful; use,at the proper time,my sense of humor; kiss, hug and in other ways express my affection; share with others anything beautiful and my wisdom and knowledge about things that are worthwhile and valuable in life;communicate with people in such a way that this communication bring ,both of us,deep joy ,understanding and fun; clear up and understand well words , their origin and the things ,in real life, they represent;to learn new things about the world,myself,people, life,...; to use ,fully,my mental and creative abilities and talents...
My favorite movies:
Hollywood musicals and other classics from 1930-1960 with Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Eleanor Powell, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Deanna Durbin, Alice Faye, Donald O'Connor, Vera Ellen, Judy Garland, Doris Day, Lucille Ball, Shirley Jones, Danny Kaye, Julie Andrews , Leslie Caron etc. I enjoy,too,good science-fiction films, comedies(Jerry Luis), adventure(Jean Marais), historical , romantic ...Bridget Bardot , Catherine Deneuve, Grace Kelly... The musicals of Busby Berkeley, Vincent Minnnelli..."The music man" with Shirley Jones..."Can - can" -the musical with Frank Sinatra,Shirley MacLain...
My favorite music:
I enjoy , very much , good classical music , classical ballet , good opera singers, operetta (Imre Kalman , Franz Lehar ,Johann Strauss...) , Hollywood musicals from 1930-1960 , bossa nova , neapolitan songs...Good ballroom music (waltz,tango,foxtrot,charleston,cha-cha-cha, swing etc)...I love to listen to good vocal jazz singers , easy listening music such as orchestras of Paul Mauriat , Raymond Lefevre, James Last, Andre Rieu ,Caravelli ,Ray Conniff singers etc. .The greatest philharmonic and symphonic orchestras of the world!... The music of Rogers and Hammerstein; Cole Porter; Gershwin; Michel Legrand; Francis Lai; Vladimir Cosma; Nino Rota; Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven, Johann Strauss, Bach, Haydn ... ...The Big Bands of Swing: Benny Goodman, Harry James, Glenn Miller, Les Brown, Tommy Dorsey, Jimmy Dorsey, Count Basie, Artie Shaw etc...I like to watch Mezzo tv channel,the channel of classical music and jazz.Here i find the kind of music that i love and that is very close to my musical taste!...One of the many others of my favourite romantic songs is the song "There will never be another you" in the brilliant performance of Andy Williams!...Another is " I wish you love " ,in the brilliant performance of Laura Fygi . I love - Saint-Saens - "Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso " in the performance of great violinists of the wolrd( i ,myself,have learned violin when i was a child)...And, of course, listening to such great singers as Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Johnny Mathis , Danielle Licari, Julio Iglesias etc. brings me great joy!...
My favorite books:
One of my favourite poems(by Neville Potter) is "WHERE HAVE I KNOWN YOU BEFORE" :Where have I known you before?... Where did we play among galaxies bright... Laughing and dancing... creating each night... Deciding the course to then venture on out ... Love, you, space and I... Free from fear, free from doubt... Where have I known you before?... Where have I loved you before?... Was it just yesterday... Or millennia ago I kissed, touched, held and needed you so?... Your face is so different... Yet you, you’re you, just you... Still glowing and silvery bright... Wondrous dancingly bright!... I knew you the moment you entered my room... That infinite eternal night!... Where have I loved you before?... Where have I hurt you before?... Where did I hurt you so deep- so deep... To hear you say you knew me not... When you alone could save me there... And free me from that tyrant’s keep... Defender of the Vulcan worlds!... Where filled my mind with blackened sleep?... Where have I hurt you before?... Where did I lose you before?... Was it when you gave your life To save that pharaoh king... Or when our golden mothership took flight Far away from Saturn's rings?... Was it when we made the pact... Then drifted into violet space... So certain we would meet the other side... But there was no such place?... Where did I lose you before?... Where have I known you before?... The moment I saw you I knew I had found again the singer of a thousand songs That haunted every dream. The painter of the colors of my mind Reminding me of places we had been!... I’m seeing clearer now-the truth unfolds... The past all drifts away... You’re back again my dearest friend!... You never went away!...
The virtues I consider most important are...
Courage, Honesty, Kindness
The things I'm most grateful for in life are...
My ability to enjoy life,music,beauty,people and friends given me from above.I am grateful that i was given the mind i have,the understanding i have;the ability to appreciate things in life that i have...I am grateful for all the talents, and spiritual and mental abilities i have!...I am grateful for me for being who i am!...I am grateful for people who bring the best in me! Who inspire me! Who are honest and fully sincere with me! ...I am grateful for all the people in my life who brought me joy,and who made me happy ,in one way ,or the other! ...I am grateful for my ability to see the differences: the differences between bad and good music;one person and another;Scientology and other practices;one day and the other;my past,my present and my future;this site and other sites of the like nature;women of this site;friends and the enemies;this lifetime and the future lifetimes;communication with people through Internet ,and communication with them in real life;ME and YOU,how we appear in the Internet,and ME and YOU in real life; me at present and me in the future;my life at present and how i dream it to be...I am grateful,too,for my ability to see similarities between Me and YOU;ME and all other people! Seeing these similarities help me to feel much closer to all of YOU.
My goals, and what I want out of life...
Truth,beauty,true friendship,love,joy,happiness,pleasure... About my goals: i have many goals.The most important between them are truth,knowledge,honesty ,joy,love,friendship,happiness, health and deeper and deeper understanding of life! My goals are to become all i can be , potentially, to enjoy life, and to contribute to others the best i can! ...My goals are to be, always, honest and sincere,first of all,with myself ,about what i really want in and from life! And i want to be happy,healthy and to live it fully!To understand it to the deepest level, and to act on the basis of this understanding! ...I want to know the full truth about this life!Why i was born? What is the real reason i am here? What was before this lifetime ? From where i came from before i was born on this Earth?What this life is all about? What is right and wrong with it? Why we don't remember our previous lives,and many of us believe that this life,this lifetime,is the only lifetime we have and after this - is ...nothing: lack of sensations, sight, hearing, touch, smell, joy,dreaming, emotions, feelings, thinking, desires,friends, memories, imagination, past, present, future, ME,YOU,US, individuality, pleasure, beauty...! Death!...The subject of actual DEATH,and firm belief ,that after death,there is nothingness and no LIFE, cause very great suffering to very great number of people!...From the moment we come into this life and begin to experience all the joyful things it has in it,it is very difficult to think about death,and that we,personally,too,will experience it at some time!...So,we prefer not to think about it,especially, and think about LIFE and what it has to offer to us. ! But during this process of living our life,we discover that there are in it many things which "spoil" our enjoyment of it: The "news" in the media, , diseases, loses, negative emotions, wars, terrorists, criminals, liars, economic crisises,unemployment , injustice ,dishonesty of others ,people who dwell in the low levels of the emotional tone scale, cruelty, violence, inhumanity, insanity , corruption, etc...Sometimes we try to live our life ,as if none of the things, mentioned above, exist, living in this way, we, only,deceive ourselves, and when we come back to reality ,we see that everything in this life is interconnected and to ignore all the "parts" of life and to live, only, in one or few of its "parts" is being out of touch with full reality, And this is very non-survival, on the long run! ...From the other side, increasing our ability to confront all the parts of reality in which we live, is the first step in becoming a cause over these areas of life which are,still very far from optimum! :Something must be very wrong in this life if so many people don't know,ignore, or don't want to know, all they need to know about this life:from where they came from , who they,really,are,what this life is all about etc.,and they very firmly believe that this life is the only life they have! They say:" Life is, too, short to think about the matters of life and death! Trying to find the true answers about if we've lived before this life , and if we'll live in hereafter - is complete loss of time! ..Let's enjoy the moment, live for today, and forget about all these silly questions about the true purpose of life, why we have bodies ; why these bodies are dying, naturally, after 70-90 years, or prematurely, from diseases and accidents! Why there are wars, insanity ,cruelty, inhumanity ,hate,betrayals,diseases ,catastrophes,accidents,dishonesty,criminals,terrorism etc. ... and, in addition to them, the media "news" ,which focus on problems instead of solutions, fear instead of hope , and on negatives instead of positives ... So...many live this life with low ability to confront all the evil aspects of it , and concentrate ,instead on enjoying it to the full! To enjoy good hotels ,restaurants, nature, music,sex,romance, travels around the world, holidays,art,movies,concerts,sport,games,exhibitions,shows,theatre,music ...(And many people take drugs,enjoy from pornography,sex orgies,striptease shows,night clubs,extreme sports,junk food; love affairs ,casino,gambling,cigarets,alcohol,prostitutes,adultery,money,lesbianism,erotica,nudism, etc.They want to feel the "thrill" of living and that life is not passing them by!...But...where is the real joy? Where is the true happiness?...For me ,joy of living is joy of intimacy; true friendship ; romance and true love;physical and spiritual closeness; trust between me and you;honesty with myself; being true to myself, my deepest feelings, my highest aspirations,principles and ideals; learning; being useful to others; abundant health; doing my work well; discovering and bringing out in others all the best in them;communicating with you from heart to heart;achieving better understanding between myself and others;loving touch; breathing clean and fresh air of forests,parks, gardens and mountains; honesty,sincerity and full trust between you and me; using all of my physical,spiritual , mental and creative abilities and talents; serving and helping others with all my heart; inspiration and fascination; enthsiasm and admiration; having good understanding of myself,others,life ; having good relationships with others; sharing all the best i have with others; living the life i,really,want to live; freeing myself from the things, ideas and mental barriers which impede my ability to enjoy life fully; remembering long forgotten experiences,pleasures, relationships,places, lives,lessons. etc... and,by this,seeing life,and what i,and we all, do in it ,in much broader and true perspective; finding ways to become more alive, alert,intelligent and creative; thinking and contemplating; creative use of my imagination; feeling myself the participant,and not the observer,of life;living wisely;the knowledge of things that can assist our survival,and sharing this knwoledge with you; being who i want to be, doing what i want to do and having what i want to have; reaching higher levels of awareness,ability,truth and understanding;CONNECTING with others; thinking not ,only about myself,but about others-their health,happiness and well-being...Let's imagine,only for a brief moment,that we- YOU and ME,will meet with one another in our future lives,or we have met with one other in one ,or more of our past lives! What it means,if this is true? -If you want,you can think for yourself,what it means!...It is interesting to me to know if ,in this world,there are people who are my "second half",or "soulmates",and where they are,if they are! ... As it relates to the quality of our present life,I know that our ability to enjoy life depends on knowing the true factors and causes that make,or can make, us healthy or ill,sane or mad,sad or happy...There are many hazards in our"modern" world to our health,with it's air polution,the products of chemical industry,the quality of food we buy in Supermarkets,the water we drink ,the drugs prescribed by the doctor, etc. The best way to overcome them is with knowing the truth! The truth about what can ,really,harm us and what can make us well and happy!..........My ideas of true friendship involve highest levels of honesty,sincerity and trust; good acquaintance with the inner worlds of each other ; knowing well what ,each other,loves,hates,needs etc; being,spiritually,very close to each other; loving and caring for each other; having relationships based on sharing one's feelings,thoughts ,experiences, past, present and future... I don't believe in falling in love from the first sight and distinguish between "falling in love" and "love"! I believe in falling in love from the second sight ,and by this i mean that after you've got to know the real ME,(and by "ME" i mean ,here,all my true feelings,thoughts,opinions,attitudes,beliefs,needs,principles and wants,which exist in the deepest levels of my mind;my character ),and i've got to know the real YOU,and we ,both,will like what we have found deep inside each other ,and ,by this,become very real to each other ,there is a good chance that we'll fall in love with each other as spiritual beings,because the real love is not between the bodies ,but between spiritual beings,and falling in love,only,with someone's pretty and attractive body(without,really,knowing this person character,and who he is very deep inside) doesn't ,really,mean falling in love! There is a difference between love and falling in love! I admit that i can fall in love with someone's pretty face,pretty smile ,pretty eyes ,pretty lips,pretty...(let's don't forget there are other,no less attractive,women's body parts we,the men, can fall in love,too! ),but only ,after ,really,getting to know this person's inner world ,in all it's depth,her true feelings,beliefs,attitudes etc.,her character...i will know if i,really,love her and, really,want to be very close to her in all the meanings of the word! ... I don't imagine,to myself, my life with another person in any other way than the life of quality communication and sharing our inner worlds. Sharing our true thoughts and feelings,doubts,beliefs,joys,dreams,needs,desires...Being as sincere and intimate with one another ,as when we are,alone, with ourselves! Being ,fully,honest and making ourselves "transparent" as to what is very deep inside our minds. I don't believe that it is possible to be very close with one another when you feel that there are things (from your past or present;some of your "sins", "transgressions", " dark secrets" ,"affairs" ,"unfinished businesses or relationships" etc. ) that you must conceal ...or she conceals from youAny relationship with another person ,or persons involves agreements between you and them . Agreements about what is proper and what is improper. When these agreements are broken,when we break the codes of honour,honesty,trust,fidelity,mutual support,etc., it destroys our relationship with another! From the other side,when we keep these codes and agreements ,when we keep our word ,don't lie etc. - our relationship thrivies! ...In other words,everything we do in our relationships with others can or promote,or destroy these relationships,and we must be aware of this!... This is what i want in my relationship with woman whom i want to choose as my life partner and as my friend:i want to share with her my whole inner world(my past,my present,my future; my true feelings,beliefs,attitudes,opinions about everything; my most cherished dreams;goals,intentions,desires; my true needs; my ideals, the principles by which i live by) And i want life parner who wants to share with me her whole inner world! It is because one of the things that i want in my life with my life partner is very high level of intimacy and understanding between us! Acting in life as "WE" ,sharing with each other our most cherished dreams and desires ;inspirng each other to reach these dreams;and,when these dreams are reached,to inspire each other toward creating and reaching new ,most impossible and most challenging dreams; keeping the level of communication ,agreements and understanding between us as high as possible! ... Don't misunderstand me about what i,really,mean! What i,really,want is relationships in which we don't hide our actions,as well as our feelings and thoughts,from each other; look at life in the same direction,as it relates to our ideals,dreams,beliefs and principles,have(or develop) many common interests,and many common likes and dislikes, love each other, willing to learn and understand each other better , and do this spontaneously by communication based on high level of affinity, honesty, sincerity and trust!... Someone once described the begining of true friendship as the moment two people reveal equally dangerous secrets about themselves.The willingness to lift the curtain and let somebody peek at the inner you is ,certainly, an invitation to intimacy,and it's one that many people are very timid about offering.If we reveal our real selves ,point out the location of our soft spots,we're afraid we'll look foolish,mean,or even perverted,and we'll lose the respect of our partner and friend...I am very special person ,from this point of view ! I don't afraid to lift the curtain and let somebody,with whom i want the relationships of true friendship, peek at the inner ME !...I don't afraid to reveal my real Self ,point out the location of my soft spots etc... I don't afraid to reveal FULL TRUTH about myself !...And i don't afraid that somebody will "punish" me for being fully honest and sincere! ... One of the reasons that many people afraid to communicate with each other , on the deep level of full trust ,honesty and sincerity, is because they know : they can be punished for telling the truth ,so ...they prefer not to tell the full truth ,or lie to each other ,to avoid confrontation with full truth!...Here is an example : ( from the book "Miracles for breakfast" by Ruth Mishull ) : " Little Abercrombie is playing on the beach. He comes up to Mother and says, “I hit that girl on the head.” ... If Mother is very wise, she will say, “Thank you for telling me that.” That’s all. If Mother is typical, she will say, “Why, you naughty boy.You must never hit little girls. You’re going to get a spanking for that!”... Abercrombie gets the message. Not that he shouldn’t hit little girls . He already knew that! What he learned was this: “I mustn’t tell my Mommy when I do something bad ’cause I’ll get spanked!" ... So this Mother inadvertently takes one of the first steps in making it unsafe for her child to talk to her. Soon he will start “withholding.” He will not tell anyone about his misdeeds!... If you kick the dog every time you come in the door, the dog will soon learn to hide when he hears you coming in the door. If you punish a child for communicating, he learns to stop communicating! ") ...Very important part of my relationship with my life partner is full honesty and trust!The word "trust" comes from the German word “trost” which means comfort. Trust is having the confidence or faith in another person to do what they say they will do. It means believing in the honesty and the reliability of that other person.The Oxford Dictionary defines trust as “a firm belief in reliability, honesty, veracity, justice, strength of a person or thing or as belief that someone is honest and will not harm you, cheat you etc. When you trust a person, you believe that they have your best interest at heart. They wouldn't do something to hurt you for the fun of it, or for selfish gain. You rely on them...When we know well another person,we know if to trust him or not,we know if he(she) deserves our trust or not! We know what is ,really,on his mind:his true intentions toward us,others,himself;his true thoughts and feelings...We know ,from our experience with him and from our observations as he behaves toward others,if he ,always,keeps his word,lies or telling the truth,keeps or breaks agreements with other people; is reliable for sharing our secrets , can be given our credit card number ,or our life ,health(the doctors),property,possessions in his hands. When surveys ask couples,"Are you satisfied with your relationship?" those who respond "yes" also answer "yes" to the question "Do you consider that you communicate well with your partner?" ... The quality of communication has nothing to do with the QUANTITY of conversation. When we are able to CONNECT (to establish effective and high quality comunication) in brief moments,we know how priceless QUALITY exchanges are and how meaningless quantity can be. ...So ,the amount of talk between pairs is no barometer of their happiness!...What is important is CONNECTING! And "CONNECTING" implies a condition in which we are in very good communication with each other ,understand each other well, love and respect each other!...I hope ,that my message ( all i'm writting here) to YOU is a quality message, and not, only, quantity! ...Few words about QUALITY, as i understand it! I have high standards and enjoy, in life, high quality things : quality music, paintings,pictures,"products", art, movies, people, places, foods, air, work, services , friendships, help, communications, perfomances, conversations, books, learning, understanding... Do you remember,when you were a small child,,that the magic of love was having one person in your life who knew exactly what you wanted and needed? Whether it was your mother,your father,or your grandmother,that special person somehow always knew - when you needed a hug,when you were sad or angry,what you wanted,what you were thinking,how you felt.Back then,somewhere in your mind a little seed was planted: if somebody really loves me,they'll know what is going inside me; i won't ever have to tell them. ... Over the years that seed blossoms into full-grown myth: when people care about you they understand you totally.You don't have to tell them that you like flowers on Valentine's Day and movies with happy endings;they'll know.You don't have to reveal your private thoughts because people who are close know each other intuitively... Unfortunately,these myths and truisms create impasses to communication: Don't say what you really think. Children should be seen and not heard. If you ignore problems,they go away .Familiarity breeds contempt. What you don't know won't hurt you. Silence is golden... but even were we able to do away with these myths we would continue to have trouble opening ourselves to others because at a gut level we are afraid of speaking up and speaking out... Much of what we say or don't say and the way we say it is governed by some kind of fear... Many of us bite our tongues and swallow the words we desperately want to tell somebody because we're afraid. Afraid of being disliked for something we've said.Afraid that if we're honest and forthright we'll hurt someone's feelings,insult them,or wound their pride.And we believe the myth that says when we hurt others,they'll reject us and we'll only end up hurting ourselves more.So we keep silent...instead of being straighforward with people and TELLING them what we,really,want,need,think and feel...So what can thwart our potential to connect are our fears and doubts,but we can,if we want,to confront them and move beyond them!... In life,many people substitute for direct facing each other and open,honest and sincere communication - assumptions, imagination and ungrounded expectations! Instead of discovering what truely exist in the other person's mind and life by process of communication and asking him direct questions about what he , really,thinks, feels, needs, wants, intends, experiences,...they assume ,or imagine different kinds of things about what ,really,exist in his mind and his life...About who he,really,is!... Assumptions,incorrect interpretations and the workings of your imagination become a substitute for direct confrontation and communication. Real truth about us is known not,only,if we communicate as honestly and as sincerely as we can,but ,mostly,from our ACTIONS! And it's true that our ACTIONS or INACTIONS in life speak much loudly than our words! How our trust toward each other is developed?- By our ACTIONs,and not the other way! Only,when there is correspondece between our words and our actions can we say that we are true to ourselves,others,our beliefs,principles etc.!...Another thing that i consider very important in life is learning life's lessons , learning from mistakes,because if i don't learn from them and improve my ways as the result ,i don't progress in life!One of the main things we want to get in life are RESULTS,but not everything we do helps us to get the results we want,so...there is a need to learn from experience and improve our ways... Life unfolds; days, month and years are passing by, but...if ,with the passing years, we don't come to better understanding of ourselves and of the mechanisms by which our bodies, minds, memories, emotions etc. are working, we ,more,react ,instead of to act, and we don't know the real "why"!...What is my image of my ideal life partner? Which qualities do i want to find in her? - An admiration for many things,and ,between them,music( i have written which kind of music),real beauty, good poetry,quality movies, great literature ,nature,children,people,sharing of deep ideas and feelings,honesty,sincerity, flowers,classical ballet,great art and paintings... I want a woman who is very honest,sincere,loyal,responsible,romantic,intelligentl,musical,tactful,courteous,communicative,enthusiastic about life,interested in others, and helping them, more, than being interesting..., have survival skills such as driving licence,good job,competency in what she does in life.....Woman who doesn't needs laws,rules or policies to force her to be honest...She enjoys hearing and passing on good news ,ideas,inspiring concepts and solutions...Enjoys talking ,but,equally,is able and willing to listen... Has a natural instict for fidelity and constancy-the desire for monogamistic relationship...She deeply enjoys learning , studying and exploring all her life! For me,life is a constant process of learning.And ,in my opinion,we cease to live and progress in life ,at the very moment we cease to learn! She enjoys good sense of humour and the spirit of play.Loves to laugh and share.She don't likes being in a rut and feels best when she is creating,learning and growing.She is looking for a man who is able to be her best friend .A man who knows himself well and is confident in his abilities and value.A man who enjoys to learn and is open to new things and experiences. A man who understands that relationships, as life itself, to grow, is something that needs to be created,every moment, and the moment we cease to create it ,it starts to decay.A man who is able to know the truth when he sees it!I ,clearly,understand that in real life it's impossible that everything will be very close to ideals,and, don't forget, all the qualities i have described are about my ideal life partner, real life, there are real women, no ideal! Some of them can have many qualities that i have described about my ideal life parner, but, in no way, all of them!... For this reason, i don't set any limitations or conditions on you! You can be,completely different from the picture of ideal life partner i described here!...Of course there are qualities that attract me in women ,both, physical , mental and spirituall,and other qualities which repel me from them: ,i am attracted to young women,or,more exactly,to the qualities of youth, that are in women,regardless of their age...Tall women attract me more than full women...Completely healthy women more than not completely healthy..There is the factor of intelligence: the more she is intelligent ,the more she attracts me...If a woman smokes i prefer that she will do it not in my presence...I don't love critical women...Are we enjoying to communicate with each other?- It is,too,critical factor..But, really, the factor of the attractiveness of a woman for me is very relative factor! Why?- Because , in your essence , you're a spiritual being! Women who are on the highest levels of emotional tone scale are much more attractive to me than the women in the lower bands of it,regardless of their innate physical characteristics!. Admiration, high interest, enthusiasm, fascination ,the spirit of play etc. make women very beautiful in my eyes!...But most critical test of my relationship with woman is our communication ,and compatibility of our characters in our lives together! How easy we communicate and understand each other? How we feel ,when and after, we communicate ? Are our emotional tones and communication lags are matching? Does our lives together bring joy and happiness to both of us? What is the pleasure -pain ratio in our relationships? Somebody have said that most ideal pleasure-pain ratio is 85 percent pleasure and 15 percent pain,just to keep life more interesting!...Mutual love,degree of understanding,amount of joy and happiness , communication factor,honesty,ethics...-all these things are very important in family life!...Some women miss many good men by putting limitaions on them,by saying, to example that they will accept them only if they'll love this or that : animals ,travels etc. Will be this or that: athletic, rich etc. Wll do this or that. Have this or that... O.K!...,but I don't put any limitations and conditions on YOU! I am willing to accept you as you are ,without limiting you in any way : be with me the way you're! Believe in what you believe .Do what you do! Love what you love!...But ,please,don't put any limitations and conditions on me ,too,by accepting me,only if i'll do this or that; belong to this group or that,believe in this or that etc. ..The best things in life are free!...The best relationships are relationships in which, both parties, aren't trying to control , limit or "change" each other in any way! Otherwise these are the low tone relationships! People who are,really,very high on the emotional tone scale accept you as you are, grant beingness to you ,and being with them is pure joy!They don't try to conrol or "change" you in any way!They are an experts of granting beingness to others!... There is a connecting bridge that can compensate for our differences ,and that is ...LOVE!(High toned love!) ...When this magic of LOVE , or as some call it - "chemistry" , begins to exist between YOU and ME, i am sure, we'll find the ways to become interested in what interests and close to each one of us!...A classic example : She never had interest in football , and he never had interest in philosophy,arts and poesy, but because football is what interests him ,and poetry is what she likes very much, both of them, in order to become closer to each other, develop sincere interest in the things that interest each one of them!...And, as Frenchman have said, "Appetite comes with eating. ...In one of the profiles of women i have read:" I see myself as a Seeker of the Truth of my purpose in this lifetime and the whole story of the human being on this planet..." ...I can tell ,the same,about myself,and,even,more: " I see myself,not ,only, as a Seeker of the Truth of my purpose in this lifetime,but as the Seeker of the Truth,as it relates to many of our lifetimes ,here on Earth,other planets and planes of existence... Truth is very important "commodity" for me,because,only by knowing the Truth,full Truth,can we become free!...It is a true paradox of our times: we have ,now,so much sure information about the nature of the universe,time,space,matter,our own bodies ,and,yet ,there is,still,enourmous amount of things we don't know the full truth about! ...We don't know full truth about the foods we eat,and how it relates to our state of health or illness;we don't know many things about our bodies and ALL of the things they need to function at their optimum level ; what can be harmful or beneficial to them,on the long run...We don't know the truth about the real causes of many"modern" diseases...We don't know the full truth about the functioning of our minds,and we don't know the full truth about ourselves as spiritual beings!..So,the direction,at least for me,is get to know,gradually,the full truth...Along the physical factors ,there are mental and spiritual factors ,the most of them are contained in the writtings of L.Ron Hubbard,and my purpose is to get to know them,too! Of course, to "know" sounds good,but the final purpose is to understand and apply,because,only,by properly understanding and applying what we know can we make the world ,and the future ,better,more happy and more promising!...Courage,persistence and mutual help,are very important in this journey,because we are all "in the same ship",though in very different parts of it!I don't find anything wrong with enjoying life: traveling and exploring new countries;enjoying the nature and the sea; joking,communicating on the deep level of intimacy;enjoying physical closeness and romantic relationships;enjoying good movies,books,concerts,music,art,photography,sport ...;enjoying the parties with the friends,dancing,romancing,shoping etc.;caring about our environment,animals,plants,flowers...;working,socializing,belonging to different groups and communities we enjoy to take part;... but there is very important ingradient to LIFE ,and that is possessing KNOWLEDGE,or,more exactly,TRUTH - true and exact information about life and reality ,knowing and applying which helps us to live and survive better!It's ignorance is dangerous to us and to all we regard as most important and dear ! If we don't know how to stay healthy(physically and mentally),if we aren't aware of many hazards in our enviroment ,to our health and survival,in the form of food and drinks additives and other "chemistry",sugar and sugar products,margarine and anything made on it,pasteurized milk,preservatives and chemicals,polluted air, water and soil,with pesticides and other poisons,processed and junk foods , etc.; if we're not aware that food we eat ,even fruits, vegetables and other health food,don't supply our bodies all the vitamins,minerals and other important ingradients that our bodies need,because of impoverished soil that is the product of pesticides and other chemicals, and so our bodies lack very important vitamins,minerals and other vital ingradients for good health; if we don't know about the poisons our body accumulates through the years from the medications, anaesthetics and from chemical ,synthetic and other "products" of our civilization,general pollution and other hazards...And we don't know how to get rig of them...If we don't distinguish well between what is true and false, who lies to us and who tells the truth ...If we don't know on which factors our mental health and keeping our sanity depends; means ,only,one thing- there are "holes" in our education!Knowing the truth is important! Knowing the real causes of all things that can undermine our ability to enjoy life ,and live it happily, is important!And there is another very important ingradient of life,much more important than our vacations and amusements , and it is WORK! Ron Hubbard explained much about this essential ingradient in his excellent book "The problems of work"!Another important thing that we forget,sometimes, about this life is that LIFE is ,essentially, a CREATION! And we are,truely,the prime CREATORS of it, of it's quality,joy,magic,beauty,direction...The better our understanding of life,ourselves,others;the universe of matter,space,energy and time ;and the higher order universes of MIND and LIFE itself become,the better CREATORS ,CO-CREATORS and ACTORS of LIFE we become! ...And ,of course,life is a matter of CONTRIBUTION! It is what YOU contribute to any part of it!...Playing the game of life can be compared to playing the game of chess: when you play it with somebody who is far above you in talent and ability ,and surpass you in any way,or far below you in ability to play it well,you wouldn't enjoy it.You'll experience the most joy in playing the game of life when you'll play it with a partner whose ability to play it equals,or very close, to your's!
My greatest accomplishments in life have been...
Being true to myself,to my own deep feelings,observations,ideals,dreams,principles,beliefs ...In one of the profiles of women i have read that she regards as her greatest accomplishments in life - pro-survival decisions..How exactly said!....Even that she is very young,she is very wise ,and I agree,with her,completely,about this! The road to eternity and total spiritual freedom lies through the pro-survival decisons we take and carry out into practice in our lives!...And, here, by "pro-survival decisons " i don't mean decisions carried on the personal basic -the, only, survival of Self,because,in reality, it isn't pro-survival decisons ,at all! ..To give you an extreme example, Hitler made "pro-survival" decisions ( he thought so in " Mein Kampff ") for the German race, but these "decisions" were decisions at the expense of survival of all other races of the world!...Survival of one person,one group, or few persons and few groups ,at the expense of all others, isn't , really, SURVIVAL, in the real sense of this word! When the things i do for my survival are beneficial ( and not detrimental) not, only, to mine, but to yours ,others ,and all other areas of life that support our lives in the direction of better survival of all - this is SURVIVAL in it's true sense!...
Five or ten years from now, I see myself... :
On the other side of the Bridge,on the highest,possible,level! ...Most of the people look at this life,and talk about it in the terms of one lifetime.They ask: "Where do you see yourself five years from now,ten years from now,twenty (or fifty) years from now?"...I look at life in much broader perspective ,in the perspective of eternity... Looking at life in the terms of eternity and spiritual immortality, and understanding that we'll meet with one another in the future lifetimes ,"wearing" another bodies,and,perhaps on another planets ,or planes of existence,gives a very different perspective on what we do in present......What about high ideals such as true love,true friendship,romantics,finding your soulmate,happiness,honesty,wisdom,truth,trust,helping others,bringing others happiness and joy,...? What about taking personal responsibility about what happens in our world and what will happen in it at the near and distant future?... What about helping to make this world more sane,more healthy ,more fair?... What about making this life more enjoyable,more interesting,more understandable,more livable for all? ...I will tell YOU what this all about! - It is about eternity!
My political inclination can be described as...
Some other viewpoint
Spiritual Orientation:
Humanist, Jewish, Scientology, Spiritual but not religious
I consider my spirituality...
Very important to me
What brought me to my spiritual path and motivated my interest...:
My inner nature. In other words- I myself have brought myself to my chosen spiritual path! ...What motivated my interest?- My inner curiousity to know true answers about life!
I would define a spiritual experience as... :
Unearthy ocean of joy and deep happiness you find deep inside yourself! For me,it is feeling that i am not sepate from all of you,but we are all connected on much deeper level than the levels of matter,energy,space,time,life and death.On this deep level,we love each other ,and "love" implies wishing good for others. For me,spiritual experience is feeling of deep peace and certainty i feel about my own spiritual immortality and spiritual immortality of all of you...Love,in it's true sense,is spiritual experience,far above from the love for the bodies!...Finding your soulmate,and being sure that it is your soulmate -is spiriutal experience.Rising above the limitations of matter,energy ,space and time -is spiritual experience! Having full certainty about the existence of the Supreme Being -is spiritual experience! Feeling high affinity for other people- is spiritual experience.Being aware about the existence of something of not material nature :spiritual beings;other(Theta) worlds; love; happiness etc. -is spiritual experience!
The spiritual books and authors that have had the greatest impact on me... :
"How to choose your people" by Ruth Minshull, "Fundamentals of success" by Peter Gillham,the books of L.Ron Hubbard.


Queen of Hearts said...

HI Michael,
This is SO BEAUTIFUL. Love your ideal scene!

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